서시(西施) (西施 The Story of Lady Xi Shi) (2024)
헌신 (寒窰 Devotion) (2024)
노란 꽃 피었네 (黃花開 Yellow Blossoms) (2024)
당 현종과 양귀비 (唐玄宗與楊貴妃 The Tang Emperor and Lady Yang) (2023)
여성 중국고전무용 (女子古典舞 The Ladies' Classical Chinese Dance) (2023)
The Story of Lady Wang Zhaojun (2021-22)
The Ladies' Classical Chinese Dance (2021-22)
Insanity During the End of Days (2021-22)
Blue Heaven (2021-22)
Abetting the Wicked (2020)
The Beauty Trap (2020)
Eternal Elegance (2020)
Fairies of the Clouds (2019)
Goodness in the Face of Evil (2019)