서시(西施) (西施 The Story of Lady Xi Shi) (2024)
단막 무용극: 선행의 보답 (小舞劇:善報 Dance Story: Kindness Rewarded) (2024)
여성 중국고전무(舞) (女子古典舞 The Ladies’ Classical Chinese Dance) (2024)
당 현종과 양귀비 (唐玄宗與楊貴妃 The Tang Emperor and Lady Yang) (2023)
여성 중국고전무용 (女子古典舞 The Ladies' Classical Chinese Dance) (2023)
The Story of Lady Wang Zhaojun (2021-22)
Three Hundred Years in One Day (2021-22)
The Display of Great Compassion (2021-22)
Insanity During the End of Days (2021)
Shandong Yangge (2020)
Li Bai and His Angelic Encounter (2020)
The Queendom (2019)
Goodness in the Face of Evil (2019)
Porcelain in the Balance (2019)
Soaring Handkerchiefs (2018)
A Child’s Choice (2017)
Umbrellas (2017)
The Mystical Udumbara (2016)
Handkerchiefs (2016)