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션윈 리뷰: 카트리나 림 / Katrina Lim, 기업가

“I’m so happy, but I’m still emotional. I’m so proud, especially that you didn’t forget us in Arizona because sometimes culture out West is not as prevalent as the East Coast or in European countries. But we thank you for coming out here, and we were so fortunate that you even added a show... The singing, which was unbelievable—I mean the decibel that soprano hit, I was like, “My gosh!” I was a singer myself at one point also, and I was just, just chills up and down my spine. I would recommend everybody…this is a must-see. I’ve seen pretty much every Broadway play, I’ve traveled and seen many shows, but this was so exciting for me. I will come and see it everywhere... This will be at the tip of my tongue for many years. I will take this performance, if I have until my dying day, until a hundred, if they said, ‘What is your best performance?’ This will be my performance that I pass on to my 19 godchildren.”

카트리나 림 / Katrina Lim, 기업가